Sunday, November 3, 2013

3/365 "hanging on.."

I thrive on positivity. I seek out positive people, read uplifting blogs, wrap my head around self-help books and put a positive spin on most situations (like one of those people that make you want to gag).. HOWEVER, this sucks!! I have been pretty much bedridden for 8 days now..8 days that I cannot grab my camera and shoot whatever I want however I want..doing the army crawl, or on my back upside down, or standing on a stool or any other creative angle I can fathom...freedom = gone. Taking away my creative privileges is the worst punishment.
But, I was determined to take this photo before these glorious red leaves fall to the ground, so I hobbled out and prayed the few shots I took would please me. and they do :)
so here is the last leaves of fall in New England. Perhaps you don't get to see the red foliage in your area? Please enjoy! and have a happy day :)


  1. OMG April! I can't take a picture like that with all my faculties!!! I'm ashamed of myself...but WOW! Beautiful. Just beautiful.

  2. lol..don't be silly!! And with every picture you can only improve..and that is what this is all about! Thx for the kind words :)

  3. so pretty! I love the fall colors. I live in Hawaii so I never get to see the seasons change.

    1. thx for stopping by. I DEFINITELY need to visit hawaii!! have a happy day :)

  4. I did the same thing this weekend. The leaves are almost all gone by us.

    1. It goes by too quickly!!! Where do you live?? Thx for stopping by :)

  5. Good luck with the 365, I just past day 345 20 to go, I'd follow you but there is no button to follow with,

    1. thx, Bill!! CONGRATS!! and thank you.. I will have to figure out how to add that. Photos I can handle...Blog technicalities...not so much :)
