Wednesday, November 13, 2013

13/365 "Pick-Me-Up"

I had a very bad day.. hell, the last three weeks have sucked. Amongst spending some time at Dana Farber for cyst evaluations and a back injury, I had to have an infected tooth removed today. Due to everything going on, I did not have the luxury of time to go to an oral surgeon and went to the dentist to  have it pulled under Novocain. To make a long story short, I did not respond well to the numbing and I was aware of the procedure. Not only was the tooth deeply rooted, but they had to break it into small pieces to remove it. I felt every pull, twirl and yank. In the process the fillings of the surrounding teeth were damaged and had to be refilled. I was sent home with meds, but they still do not seem to be touching the pain. Honestly, this is all breaking me down, but thankfully I have the most incredible friends and family. This bouquet arrived from my sister in law at a time when I needed it the most. Not only did it brighten me up, but I instantly wanted to photograph it, and once I have a camera in my hand, the sun shines over my head...This is a beautiful bouquet and I wanted to share it with you..


  1. Oh my! Saying a prayer for you sweetie. Beauitful photo & flowers. Amazing how something as simple as flowers can flip a day around.

    1. Thx for stopping by, Holly :) means a lot! Yes, these flowers are brightening my days :)

  2. I love the flowers! I hope everything starts to get better for you really soon and you start to feel better. Nothing like flowers and some photo-therapy to get your spirits up!

  3. Oh my goodness! I hope your pain meds start working or you find something that will and that your memories of today fade quickly! The flowers are beautiful and you captured them so wonderfully!

    1. Thanks so much, Barb :) one day at a time...thanks for stopping by!

  4. Beautiful photo! The colors are so bright and beautiful! I hope you'll get well really soon!

    1. thank you so as well :) have a happy day :)

  5. OMG so sorry you are going through all that! Hoping things get better. Beautiful flowers.

    1. thx..I will get through it. I am just in a rough patch of my life :)

  6. Been there done that with the teeth problems.. Not fun.. These flowers are beautiful.. Glad they arrived to brighten your spirit!.. There is nothing like flowers and a camera in your hands..
