Monday, November 11, 2013

11/365 "mommy will be home soon!!"

My daughter has been visiting her boyfriend in Syracuse for a few days and I think her cat is just a TAD lonely. Poor Mark sported a "parrot" the entire time he was trying to get ready for work. (his sandwich may have a few extra kitty hairs today??). Mommy will be home soon, Gomez...


  1. Great moment caught! His expression is priceless.

    1. lol..he REALLY misses his mom.. It is awful!! He waits by the window for hours, and she won't be home for another two days!!

  2. This photo is hilarious, I love how you caught the cat peeking around like that! Great memory!!

  3. he is such a funny boy. I have two cats.. One is a "cat" and then there is this one...MR PERSONALITY!!! love him :)
